Our Services

Our Services

Zimbabwe as a developing economy can achieve “Full Recycling Capabilities” where garden waste, aluminium cans, paper, cardboard, plastic and glass are individually separated at collection and effectively sorted at the recycling centres. Significant environmental and resources can be saved when waste is recycled and not placed in landfills or incinerated.

  • KleenGo App for Waste Day Collection Calendar, News, Information and Other Related Services
  • Commercial and Household Recycling Incentives
  • Education to Promote, Health, Recycling and Effective Waste Management
  • Color Coded Waste Collection Bags/Bins       

Waste Collection Services

Managed Waste Collection fuel efficient, environmentally friendly fleet providing 7 day collection services to households and businesses across suburbs, towns and cities. A driver a 2 loaders will work a designated run (route) 10 hours a day with the ability to achieve approximately 150 collections a day.

The waste collection vehicles with compacting have a capacity of approximately 30 cubic metres before offloading to a recycling centre.

A neighbourhood can be serviced once a week for general and recyclable materials.

Recycling Points

Convenient, locally manufactured Recycling Points or Drop Off Centres to promote and encourage communities to recycle waste.

These can be serviced once or twice a week depending on the size of communities and anticipated waste to be collected.

Commercial and Household Recycling Incentives

Incentives that encourage the population to sort and recycle waste at the point of collection. Rewards and incentives are offered to households and businesses that effectively “Sort and Separate” their waste before it is collected.

Education to Promote, Health, Recycling and Effective Waste Management

Content that is aimed at equipping the population to “be part of the change” for a healthier, cleaner community.